Thursday, April 17, 2008

heyhey! ((:
today is quite fun you know, today, the money saving people, me, amanda, zhiting and joey we all like pinic then we in class bring food to share la! ((: very fun! ((: then amanda bring coco pop zhiting brought honey stars i brought bread and biscuit joey brought bread. then we first we made a face using the biscuit honeystar, cocopop, and bread la((: the face very cute leh! ((: haha. then i started trying to throw the cereal high up then catch with my mouth, after that zhiting start then joey. amanda never join in)): haha. nevermind. it think i became quite good at it after awhile, i know very ego la, but aiya nevermind la. then zhiting keep trying then she do until very funny!! ((: but in the end she got the hang of it. joey was quite good, at the start she keep missing then all that drop on the floor she put on joshua's table. haha! the collection got quite alot, but jeremy still go eat. yikes! ((: after that was sushi time! ((: we go eat sushi! samantha was the first one to take the food. ((: sushi is a treat from mrs koh, mrs tang and sir! ((: yay! then hannah also she took three of the same thing! so funny! ((: she eat like she first time see food like that! very funny! but then all of a sudden! sam tell amanda and i that zhenghan got hit down by a car and he flew off the bicycle then she wen to tell the other cellgroup members. she collapsed into tears! she shock us la. we all so worried and frighten! our team was like very concern. then when we on the taxi to the hospital, sam call malcom then he say, zhenghan fracture his hand. woah after we hear that we like cool down a bit more already la. we were like praying non-stop! ((: prayer works! ((: then in the end we heard that is zhenghan fall down from the bike when he trying to avoid three people, then his bone went out of place! sighs! all the best to you zhenghan! GET WELL SOON ZHENGHAN! oh yea then when we reach there we cannot go and see him, because mr shane kwok dont allow us. )): nevermind. after that we left the place la, when we walking to the mrt, samuel kum keep hooking peoples bag until his umbrella break! HAHAH! ((:



HEY HONEY! ;) get a CBOX SOON K? cause, i dun wanna click on leave your comment. i wanna tag you. ;) GOOD BYES MELMEL. ;)

Zhiting said...

HEY HEY :D yeah agreed get a CBOX la :D
AND AND hmm we havent picnic-ed in years k